Case Study & Testimonials

Arthe Kandeepan

(Oak View Primary School - Hertfordshire)


As a fellow Language Angel user I can confidently say that it is a platform designed with the children and teachers in mind. Every lesson has an objective and focus whilst also working to impart a thorough and enriched learning experience across the school. I would highly recommend Language Angels. Support and assistance is always at hand. Confidently teach and enjoy the experience of learning a foreign language!

Debbie Farcinsen

(Westbourne Primary School - Hampshire)


Prior to taking over as Spanish Coordinator, all Spanish lessons were delivered by the three Spanish Specialists in our school ( Yes we were very lucky). The Head of Spanish and a specialist a year ago and I took over. I was really keen to find a comprehensive programme which all teachers, including, non specialists could use and feel confident using. I delivered a staff CPD on Language Angels and the staff received it warmly. They liked the fact that it was step by step, they could learn along with the children and it had a teacher guidance for each lesson. They said it looked easy to use and liked the idea of the slides, interactive games and worksheets. I would like to report to you that there are now three non specialist teachers delivering their own weekly lessons and enjoying it. They are incredibly proud of the fact they are teaching a language they are unfamiliar with and they love the website. Success! this is the first time in our school that Spanish has had such a boost and teacher confidence in it is high. I have been using it in my class and the children love the interactive games which they love playing on the interactive whiteboard and have them on during wet play too. Thank you!

Thomas Gee

(Brookland Junior School - Cheshunt)


I would like to thank the Language Angels team for the invaluable support that they have given me, in taking over the role as Spanish lead at Brookland Junior School. The support that they provide in terms of a well planned and balanced set of units with excellent quality resources, is invaluable for the day to day teaching. I am also very grateful for the help and guidance given in assessment and the fact that everything is clearly linked to the curriculum.

Suzanne Dent

(St Werburgh's C of E Primary School - Derby)


My school launched Language Angels in September 2018 in Key Stage 2 and the children have taken to it very quickly. We are still finding our way round all the great resources, but the staff are finding it very easy to use and the children are giving us good feedback about enjoyment of learning. Online support from the Language Angels team is exemplary. I’m so glad we chose this resource when we reviewed the effectiveness of our language teaching!

Sarah Bennett

(Broad Oak Primary School - St Helens)


My school decided to completely change direction and switched to teaching Spanish this year, after decades of teaching French. This change meant we faced some real, serious issues about the quality of our teaching a foreign language. Many teachers were anxious, and some had absolutely no Spanish knowledge. We decided that opting for some assistance in the guise of Language Angels may help provide teachers and children a smoother process. Not only has Language Angels done this, but they have by far surpassed all of our staff’s expectations. The lessons we now teach have purpose, progression and something we felt we were starting to lack: fun! The feedback I have had from children and teachers right through from Year 1 to Year 6 is clear. There’s a new love of learning a language, less hesitation from teachers as they are guided and supported the entire way and much more interest in the wider curriculum. Furthermore, the customer service and support from Language Angels has been some of the best all staff have experienced. It’s not an exaggeration, the entire Language Angels team have worked above and beyond to help me implement a brand new curriculum in a 3 form entry primary school and it’s been one of the easiest changes in school to date. Thanks to them I cannot recommend the investment highly enough.

Donna Warrington

(Brookburn Primary School - Manchester)


Before I started using Language Angels, I was using a Scheme my school had previously bought and I was so bored delivering the lessons. Each week there was something different to teach. There was no continuity and no progression for the children as it was all very bitty. I decided to give Language Angels a go. I started with the free 6-week trial, but I knew within a week I would subscribe to it and 4 years later I have never looked back and I have recommended it to other colleagues too. What attracted me at first was the thematic approach as each unit typically lasts 6 weeks with very detailed lesson plans, high quality resources offering differentiation opportunities and the cross curricular topics too. My favourite unit is World War 2 which I teach to Year 5 at the same time as they are learning about it in topic. I love reading the stories of the family who escape London to flee to the country side and the slides and sounds are so authentic and the children are always really engaged. The progression the children can make is excellent and my deputy head teacher has mentioned several times during lesson observations how advanced the children are and assumed in Year 5 and 6 they would just be learning numbers and colours! When I explained I teach colours and numbers to children in EYFS and Key Stage 1 using the Core Vocabulary Units of Language Angels, the look on her face was a picture! I really enjoy the assessment at the end of each topic and love the fact it covers all 4 skills setting the children up for secondary school language learning where each skill at GCSE accounts for 25% of the examination. The tracking and progression tool are simple and excellent. I have seen other tracking tools which just seem like a mind field and where teachers just get bogged down. Language Angels does all the hard work for you! You simply enter the test scores and it works out percentages, levels and monitors each child throughout their language learning journey. Language Angels also offers amazing interactive games which are great fun. I have been so inspired by this Scheme that I have created my own Language Angels leaders and 4 of these now help me run a Language Angels ICT club on a Monday lunchtime. We have so far trialled this to 2 year 3 classes and turnout has been amazing. We have even had to turn people away! Language Angels really is the complete package. It is excellent value for money and is a sound investment. Furthermore, Paolo and the team are always incredibly helpful and the service is exceptional. I cannot recommend them highly enough!

Scarlett (Pupil)

(Brookburn Primary School - Manchester)


I love Language Angels because it really helps me and my friends to learn in a fun supporting way. I run a French ICT club and every child who comes gets over excited over the games and so do I. One amazing thing about the creative games is that they are fun and easy to use. Even if you are not confident with Language Angels, you can always find a game to match your level. From the ages of 3-11 and upwards you can always find something suitable for you. Even at the age of 10 I continue to use the amazing app!

Amber (Pupil)

(Brookburn Primary School – Manchester)


Language Angels is great because whilst being full of fun and games, it helps everyone who uses it with their French speaking, listening, reading and writing. It isn’t just serious learning, it’s a fun way to progress with it. My favourite game is Treasure Hunt because I like doing French numbers. Since we have introduced it, the displays around school have been much nicer. The children love playing the French games in ICT suite. Thanks a lot!

Hawwa (Pupil)

(Brookburn Primary School – Manchester)


I like being a Language Angel. It is fun and awesome because you should be enthusiastic about learning the French language and helping others. The website is very helpful for all year groups and gives children like me a great head start.

Nimrah (Pupil)

(Brookburn Primary School – Manchester)


Being a Language Angel is fun because there are lots of educational games and it gives you knowledge for learning a new language. French gives you a head start because I know my French numbers and colours for example a lot easier because of Language Angels so maybe other kids will too!