(St Paul's Primary School - Mill Hill)
Whilst we have only been using Language Angels for just over a year, it is safe to say the platform has not only completely transformed our children's experience of learning an additional language but has also supported our teachers in feeling more confident in delivering engaging and interactive French lessons to our pupils. Each unit offers a huge variety of high-quality resources, whether it be differentiated worksheets, exciting songs, supportive vocabulary maps and interactive presentations. We cannot thank Paolo and the Language Angels team enough for creating such a wonderful platform and supporting our school in planning a curriculum which has not only ignited a passion and interest in learning an additional language amongst our pupils but also ensures that the children are progressing in their learning in line with the National Curriculum.
(Wybourn Community Primary School - Sheffield)
As a language lead it is essential that all staff teaching Spanish (the majority having no previous language knowledge themselves) have the resources, lesson plans, audio etc. to deliver Spanish lessons confidently whilst ensuring progression. This has most certainly been the case since using the scheme. Pupil and staff voice has improved drastically. Children look forward to their Spanish lessons and progression is clearly seen across units. Assessment results have been fantastic with lower ability and SEN children thriving. More hands are up in Spanish lessons than ever before and it has given our lower ability and SEN children the chance to really shine in a subject they might not have before. Support received from staff at Language Angels has been brilliant and myself and other staff would highly recommend the scheme.
(Gordon Primary School - Ilford)
I have been teaching Spanish in a Primary school for the past 6 months and absolutely cannot praise Language Angels enough. I made the transition from teaching MFL in Secondary Schools for 25 years and although I am confident in my subject knowledge, it would have been really challenging and time consuming to resource and pitch material to the different age groups without the help of Language Angels.
I teach Spanish from Nursery age through to Year 6 and have found the progression of activities from nursery rhymes to hobbies and topics, such as, the planets and habitats which link in with the National Curriculum, in Years 5 and 6 to be tremendous. I have attended 3 free CPD training sessions online provided by Language Angels which have been very helpful when planning a curriculum folder and to network with other primary MFL teachers.
Whenever I have a query, a member of the Language Angels will message back that same day and also take into consideration any suggestions I have regarding providing a wider variety of languages to Yr 6 to aid the transition to secondary learning.
All in all, if you are teaching a language in primary school, it would be like winning the lottery and not cashing in the ticket if you taught without the resources Language Angels provide. The children love the songs, interactive games and worksheets provided.
Make languages fun with Language Angels.
(St Joseph's C E Junior School - Chichester)
We have been using Language Angels for several years now. We have found that it has increased staff confidence when teaching MFL. It helps that all of the resources are ready and the progression in pre planned as many non specialists were very concerned re: ensuring this was apparent in lessons. The models of Language in the form of fun videos and the speech option on each ppt, has been amazing for those who by their own admittance, struggle with language and pronunciation. As someone who specializes in French myself, I am very pleased to see that the phonics and grammar are taught, 'as you go.' In my own primary (and sadly, secondary)language experience, this was not the case and I found that it hindered my language abilities. When taught little and often, we are seeing great results and have more enthused language learners, that I hope will become life long learners of language. Thank you to Paolo and the team for their commitment to encouraging and enhancing languages.
(St John Fisher Primary School - Pinner)
As an experienced specialist French teacher, I wasn't sure Language Angels was for me, but after nearly two years using this programme, I have found that it works for anyone. There are some really excellent materials which have boosted my classes' confidence in speaking and writing as well as saving me time on planning. The pupil knowledge organisers, speaking and writing scaffolds and pupil glossaries are a fantastic support. As a specialist, I still provide my pupils with a range of other materials, but I have found Language Angels provides an excellent foundation for my curriculum, as well as ensuring continuity of provision.
(Silsoe CofE VC Lower School - Bedfordshire)
I have been using Language Angels since 2016. The units and all the progression documents give us the confidence that we are covering all aspects of the curriculum that allows the children to build on their learning. As MFL lead, I wanted a scheme that would give all staff confidence to teach French whatever their own abilities. I love the support we receive from Paolo and the team. They are always there to solve technical and curriculum issues at anytime. I moved schools recently and straight away signed up my new school to Language Angels.
(Cabot Primary School - Bristol)
As a specialist languages teacher, I previously taught French to all of our KS2 pupils as well as being MFL Subject Lead. I used a scheme of work as a basis for the curriculum, but freely adapted it with materials from many sources. I then took a slightly different role within the school, delivering maths and literacy interventions to students, particularly in the aftermath of Covid, meaning that the class teachers would need to deliver French lessons themselves. It became immediately obvious that my scheme was unsuitable non-specialist staff, and after seeking recommendations from colleagues in the Bristol area, I chose Language Angels as a replacement. I can only say that it has been even more successful than I hoped. Lessons happen every week (the acid test in a crowded timetable!), teachers are confident to deliver lessons and the pupils enjoy their learning. The support from Paolo and the team is second to none, with a personal approach that is rare to find. This was three years ago, and I can see that if I do eventually go back to classroom teaching, there would be uproar if I tried to change back to the old scheme! Thank you Language Angels!
(Rauceby Primary School - Sleaford)
Language Angels has provided us with a robust sequence of learning, which ensures our language offer is the best it can be. It ensures consistent delivery of a language across all classes and can be delivered by non- specialists, still ensuring the quality of education for all is high. What stands out is the planning for listening, reading and writing, which we had not seen planned as effectively as Language Angels provides and also supports all learners to achieve. Thank you Language Angels.
(Bellfield Junior School - Birmingham)
Our school's teaching of MFL French has gone from strength to strength since we started using Language Angels three years ago. We have adapted it to suit our school as a separate Junior School but Its interactive resources are excellent to support teachers who may not be as confident in teaching a MFL and help all children to progress with their learning. Many of the units link brilliantly to other areas of the curriculum and can be used as retrieval practice for subjects such as science, History and geography. The children really gain from each of the units and love hearing, speaking and now even writing French! We can highly recommend subscribing to Language Angels and look forward to continuing to subscribe in future years.
(Parkinson Lane Community Primary School - Halifax)
We have been using Language Angels since September 2023. I have never enjoyed teaching French as much! It is easy to use, gives confidence as a non-French speaking teacher and is built in a way where you are teaching small steps, whilst still adhering to the strands, speaking, listening, reading and writing consistently.