Case Study & Testimonials

Hannah Jury

(Our Lady's Catholic Primary School - Barnstaple)


The children and teachers in our school love using Language Angels to support our MFL curriculum. It is such a fun and interactive programme; the children love the games and songs, which really help to embed learning. It is so easy to use and to navigate, and teachers find using the programme makes it easier to prepare lessons. After a few years, when we have built up to using it progressively throughout the school, it will mean that children will be much more confident going into Year 7!

Luke McLaughlin

(George Washington Primary School - Tyne and Wear)


After researching a range of different MFL learning schemes, I found that Language Angels best suited the needs of my school. What really appealed to me was the wide range of resources that are accessible for all ages and abilities. My school has had fantastic support in establishing this scheme. Paolo worked closely with me to create a bespoke whole school overview that would help the children get the most out of their Spanish learning scheme. Language Angels integrated really smoothly into our weekly teaching. Despite having limited to no experience with teaching Spanish, my colleagues are becoming more confident in teaching Spanish with the support of their resources. All the children love their Spanish lessons in school and look forward to them every week. My year 1 class in particular have been learning about animals. They love the song that accompanies the learning and ask me to play it on repeat. I would fully recommend Language Angels to any teacher who are looking for a MFL teaching scheme.

Jean Matthews

(Holbrook CE Primary School - Derbyshire)


I would just like to say how well received Language Angels is in our school. The videos, songs. PowerPoints and worksheets are enabling all staff to teach Spanish, even those who have never spoken Spanish themselves. It is particularly helpful to listen to native Spanish speakers so that the children can repeat words and phrases correctly. Your help with planning a mixed-age curriculum bespoke to our school has been great - we wouldn't have known where to start without your support. Finally, I would also like to say thank you for the Webinars which enable us to support SEND children and be ready for OFSTED.

Mrs McLean

(Lionel Walden Primary School - Cambridgeshire)


As MFL lead in a small primary school, it is important to me that any languages programme is accessible to all staff including those who do not speak any French. Language Angels does this with spades! The teacher support notes clearly guide teachers through the lessons and the resources and all the PowerPoints are voiced by native speakers. The children in my school love learning French, despite being in an area where language learning is not a high priority with parents. Paolo and Francesca are truly innovative. They are passionate about language learning and constantly strive to improve Language Angels and to keep ahead of current trends in language education. I have attended several of the free CPD sessions and have found them all inspiring and informative.

Jacqueline Farley

(St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School - Southport)


We have been using the Language Angels platform for some time now, and I can honestly say that it has transformed the ability and willingness of non- specialist teachers to teach French in our primary school. In addition to this, the range of activities available engages and enthuses children at all levels. We are completely satisfied with Language Angels as a value for money product and intend to carry on using it indefinitely.

Suzanne Lees

(St Oswald's C of E Primary School - Bootle)


I have been using Language Angels for about 6 years now. As a non-specialist language teacher, it is absolutely brilliant. My Spanish has improved greatly, and I am now much more confident in delivering the lessons to the students. Everything you need for the lesson is there for you, the plan, PowerPoint, activities, which are differentiated, songs and assessment opportunities. The children enjoy it and enjoy learning the songs with each lesson or topic. In our recent Ofsted inspection, the inspector liked how it allowed all the children to listen and speak in Spanish, learning basic words and phrases, and how it progressed to long, more complex sentences as they developed their understanding. I would highly recommend Language Angels to anyone who is looking to develop languages within their school.

Lauren Jones

(Willowdown Primary School - Bridgwater)


At Willowdown the children and staff have absolutely loved the Language Angels programme. Staff find it useful and supportive and it has given them a confidence in teaching another language that they did not previously have. Children love the recognizable resources, the power points support them and they enjoy the karaoke videos that are also available. Overall we have loved using Language Angels and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

Maria Gorringe

(St Mary's Catholic Primary School - East Sussex)


I am subject lead for MFL at my school. I have always taught the entire school Spanish. I've taken a back step in teaching now due to personal circumstances but still serve as subject lead and the majority of staff are more comfortable with French so it makes sense to transition. A variety of alternative packages were suggested or explored by staff in anticipation of what might work best. However, it was decided unanimously to stay with Language Angels because they are brilliant! The support and service is ridiculously patient, polite and always helpful and prompt. The curriculum and subject lead support and guidance is unparalleled. The songs and games are enjoyed by the children and the differentiated worksheets, planning tools, assessment facilities and scannable or video friendly files for assessment are super handy. Thank you Language Angels!

Lee Siggs

(St Theresa’s Catholic Primary School - Sheffield)


>Language Angels has been nothing short of a game-changer for me as a new subject lead and also to our primary school in Sheffield. It has redefined the way we approach language teaching in our classrooms. The comprehensive resources and engaging content have not only made learning more enjoyable for our students, but will also, I believe, significantly improve their language proficiency and prepare them for studying a language when they leave the primary setting. The well-structured curriculum, with support and guidance in place as a school new to the programme, along with the wealth of supporting materials, has also made our teachers' jobs easier and more effective. Additionally, what sets Language Angels apart is the ongoing support and professional development opportunities it offers. I have found webinars to be incredibly valuable in making the most of the scheme and ensuring I can feedback advice and tips to colleagues. I would highly recommend Language Angels to other teachers.

Liz Langridge

(Therfield First School - Hertfordshire)


Language Angels has allowed our children to make excellent progress with their language learning. The children are able to apply their language learning across all 4 areas of the curriculum. They make solid links with their previous learning and this has allowed them to say their own original simple sentences. The focus on phonics means that the children are secure in their pronunciation and happy to have a go at reading unfamiliar words. They enjoy their language lessons and are happy to take their learning home through access to the games which are engaging. The team at Language Angels has been helpful in developing a rolling curriculum and also listens to users so that the materials fit the needs of our tiny village school.